Saturday, August 07, 2004


hmm.. home alone now, not too bad coz in my hand are two story book ...well, its not about the books, but my lil conversation this morning

abc: hehe, yatt. aku dah tgk dah blog ko
me: ???? ( mouth wide open)haaa???
abc: haah, smalam kan bukak blog kwn ko tuh..pastu ade ckp' cube teka blog sape nih'..'yatt eh?hehe
me: *gulp*,hoho!!
abc: hahahha, tuh aa..aku tgk 'kacangbotol' aku x baca..aku tgk skali lalu jeh..jgn risau
me: hehe, x kisahh..(ye ke!?) x kisah kalu jumpe tapi kenapa cakapp?!!!(huhuhuhu!*head down*)

my say: a pinch of upset..ntahla, i dun mind ppl linking to my blog and others 'accidently' found out, but not this way..not when someone kind-heartedly pointed it out..huhuhu!! maybe i'm not ready for an 'announcement' even to my own mates here..darn!

*inhale..exhale..inhale..exhale* okeh, knowing that storing all gruesome and disagreement inside myself does no good for any relationship, better to say it out rite? talk things out nicely and everything will be fine..hmmm*shrug*

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