Saturday, January 14, 2006

ei submitted my assignment yesterday. alhamdulillah, did better this time. it took me almost twice the effort as i chose to change the topic when i'm almost done with the template. didnt regret it though coz it was easier to do the calculation and reasoning with the second article.

>>>ppl live by choice. either in everyday living or for one big major decision that will determine their future. sometimes, its not that they dont know what's best to do and expect out of certain situation. sometimes it's not that they have lost the sense of values; rights or wrongs, goods or bads. but most of the time, the pick is based on emotions, experiences and personal strength.

>>>i am not to justify why i choose to grieve. by that it means

i learn to live with tiny expectations.

i distant myself from meanings of companionship, trust, hope, self-worthiness.

i take all the blame as something to dwell over and hope it will put others at ease.

i accept the fact that i'm not gifted with an angel's heart and i actually hate to act like one.

>>>thanks very much Peon for ur concern and sincere thought. wish could spend some more time with you here. have a safe journey and keep the spirit high.


Anonymous said...

hmm.. ur welcome yatt
so looks like we can only meet each other and gossipping like before once we graduate.. which will be next year adoiii lamanyee..
anyway yatt keep in touch ek?
ps : europe trip beb?

Anonymous said...

europe trip? tempting..very tempting..