Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Since then...

I stop thinking about the problem because i know there will be way to go through it. i believe Allah will either give me solution or strength.

I stop thinking about how and when, i just let it happen. if it doesn't, i dont wince either. too much of emotional excess baggage for that.

I stop caring for just anyone, but only those who gives meaning in my life.

I stop giving thoughts about other's issues, unless those who have done the same for me.

I stop feeling guilty for what the heart say, instead i simply accept and expect happyness.

I smile at the fleeting thought of the one who missed out , and say 'YOUR LOSS!'

I get rid of 'what if' or 'if only' in my lines and thoughts.

I feel sorry for those who write and say that their life is full of misfortune, it's almost like they welcome the sadness and misery.

I think the status is indifferent than any other. who knows, it's the only chance to flirt gift to explore the strength in self.

I got closer to the Creator because i simply need to believe and i let HIM make happen.

Miss Farina, may Allah bless you for the book;)

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