Sunday, August 31, 2008


Desir pasir di padang tandus
Segar sang pemikiran hati
Terkisah ku di antara
Cinta yang rumit

Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekedar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung Kupertaruhkan

Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cintaku padamu

Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus kutinggalkan cinta
Ketika ku bersujud

This is not the song i was talking about but this song accompanied me as i could not sleep after assisting an appendicectomy last night.

Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan greets us again. I have fond affection towards this particular month as i gained ultimate strength and solitude from the up above when nothing else matters but HIM. Things were running deep low and i was losing my good sense, HE brought me closer to HIM. I was bestowed with a faith that Allah will never leave me alone whatever happened. HE calmed me down and taught me to accept fate.

I also have the fondest memories of 5 years back in Melb during this holy month especially with the dearest housemates and sporting GF's. I truly treasure our moments of cooking together (and sing-along in the kitchen). I highly appreciate our collective effort to imarah Ramadhan. It's been wonderful.

Let us all embrace Ramadhan with a hope that it'll bring us closer to our Al-Mighty and blessed with HIS guidance.

Insya Allah...

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