Friday, July 23, 2004


yerp, thats all i can think of rite now..passed another hurdle..the bitter ordeal that lead me to draw another consensus of my own-life...and here i am, smiling back to all my DEAREST..:=D

so many things had happened after July 2nd...the tastes of life...but i have no regret in experiencing any of them...neither do i wanna ponder over it...let it be H.I.S.T.O.R.Y

what's for now?i'm trying to reach my end-of-SSP  life again..wonder why??i think thats the time when i am truly being myself...understand myself and love myself...enough said. Now I learn to look at things in  different perspectives, appreciate ppl as someone unique in their own way and appreciate myself more! No other person can give better care than yourself rite?

Heh, challenging MED 2042 is on my top list ...hafta admit that it's taking most of my time now but i'm enjoying myself learning every bit of it..i mean, none of the courses offered in the university is easy..its the matter of how you put things into the right places and try to do you B.E.S.T...after all, The Al-Mighty is always there for you to seek for comfort,guidances and blessings..:=) pray hard..pray hard and pray hard!




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