Thursday, July 01, 2004


X: heh perasan x muka kawan A tuh mcm muka Yusry KRU?>>
Me:haahla, betul2
Y:haaaa, dok tgk ehh??
Me:laahhh, dah dpn mata, tgk jelah...(grr!)

Ya Allahh, by then darah aku dah meruap2..sorry to say but i found that remark was somewhat intimidating..actually i couldnt really recall ur exact words(shock!) but for me it sounded so accusive.Kenapa mesti kuar ayat mcm tuh?? Is it wrong to look at the face(for once!) and say hi after being introduced to someone??nothing more than, no further talking, no etc..even if i did, pls dun made me felt like a .....!! heh,some ppl might say that this was just my emotional bit but hang on....come over here and experience yourself!!

B:eh, yang dgn A tadi tuh bf dia eh?
Me: heh, entahla..x bertanya pulak

see, another scenario?? kenapa mesti ditanya, in fact kalu nak tahu silalah tanya empunya diri..kan?? kita mesti elakkan drpd jadi bahan fitnah..TRUE..tapi ape kisahnye dgn org yg membuat fitnah???bukanke fitnah itu lebih teruk drpd membunuh...

some ppl claimed that they are different than others...only because they attended more classes and in the so-called 'group'..but that doesnt mean you can easily judge ppl, and simply made bitter statements..Allah tahu ape dlm hati kite, in fact aku ingat satu quote nih, something like' kite jgn berasa superior drpd seseorang yg lain sbb dia mungkin sebenarnye lebih baik drpd kita'.. kenapa mesti di'significant'kan commitment yg diberi, menjadikan attendance tuh satu kayu ukur utk classifykan seseorang??kenapa mesti buat org lain felt bad about themselves, just because they aren't in the group..kenapa mesti dibedakan kwn2 sendiri and keluarkan ayat " yang X org lagi tuh.."??everyone has their own way of seeking Allah's guidance and we have no right whatsoever to weight that out..

sape kite nak judge org lain sedangkan kite sendiri masih dlm proses tarbiyah diri, mencari2 hidayah Allah yang boleh ditarik bila2 masa..ingatlah Allah tuh Maha Mengetahui, the table may turn around and dugaan dari Allah boleh dtg bila2...jgn mudah berasa selesa dgn ape yg dimiliki..mulut kena jaga, hati kena pelihara..Nauzubillahh

its not only me who experience the discomfort, the uneasiness among the crowd...kenapa mesti diextremekan batas2 tuh sampaikan bertegur sapa@acknowledge kawan sendiri yang seAGAMA dan seBANGSA dinampakkan sbg satu kesalahan besar..??

kekadang sixth sense can be 'something' jugak...once aku pernah tnmpk someone forwardkan satu email from another fren to the so-called 'authority'...ape nih???some sort of spy towards your own pals??

tegur menegur mmg t'jawab sume org tapi lagi baik kalu dibuat dgn cara yg bijaksana and berhemah..ain't no one is perfect??