Thursday, May 19, 2005

sorry, this post might be a bit emo....

read peah's recent entry with teary eyes n wide smile...only God knows how much i miss them...hani-niesa-arnee-peah-rose-ain-nuna-syaf-ani-awa-nikmun-peini, each and everyone of them...the sisterhood, i'll never find it anywhere else...this overwhelming emotion, my hands are indeed trembling...
then...i dont give a damn about the opposite sex, my life revolved around me & my girlfrens...i did make the most out of the frenship...i shared the tears & laugh...i am truly myself & worry not about other's perception...i laugh a lot and i care a is the only thing that i need to worry about...
now, i'm stuck with my very own mistakes...i mind my own bussiness & become ignorant of other ppl...i've lost count of i-am-feeling-blues....i am grateful but at the same time, longing and missing...sigh...

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