Monday, January 15, 2007

"makcik ada rasa macam jantung terbakar tak?"

Yang Syiok

pagi-pagi sebelum pergi, i gave my parents hugs and pecks. everyday.

ape-ape nak makan time lunch, semua aci boleh. tak payah nak inquire cashier, tak payah nak tilik ada meat ke tak. harga pun boleh tahan...

hospital macam pasar raya. tak putus2 orang berlegar-legar. so takdela rasa isolated sgt.hehe

colleagues. welcoming. i guess what i really enjoy seeing is the harmonious multiracial community. cute betul bila ch!nese cakap melayu.

senang sgt nak solat. tak perlu risau utk cari empty room or space. sgt dipermudahkan.

Yang Kurang Syiok

kena pakai lab white coat. urghhh, panassssss!! maafla, bukan nak kipochi tp slame ni tak pernah kena pakai...

i thought to converse with the patient in English is tough enough, but in kelantanese....huwaaaaa,SUSAHHHHHHHHHHH!! asik uhhh ahhhh uhhh ahhhh taktahu nak translate cemana. hence the above dialogue(ok, obviously it doesnt come from me cos i'm doing O&G,heheh). but its true, you'll never know how tricky it is until u give the 1st attempt. weihhh hani, serious aku kena kasi crash course utk ko learn to speak kelantanese,hihihihi!!

it's not that easy to fit in.hmm

i really appreciate the learning opportunity but 2 hours of slides presentation? i'm sorry but my attention span couldnt sustain that.


Hani Izhar said...

crash course kelantanese?? ehehe aku dah agak mesti kena belajar punya! nasib baik ko ade!

erm how about crash course bahasa melayu?? cammane aku can converse dengan patients ni??!! aaaaaaa!
(haih...melayu lupa

kalo camni aku amik pathology je la. at least kalau buat post-mortem takyah cakap ngan patients

Anonymous said...

hahahahha, aku tak larat tersengihhhhhh depan patient sbb taktau nak explain cemana...aduii!!

true, i was thinking about the same thing..any specialty that doesnt need me to speak? pathology n maybe anaesthetic?

nanti kita main doktor-doktor2 eh?

Anonymous said...

yatt..i need medical terms crashcourse..

Anonymous said...

honey honey!!

ehhehe, O&G=obstetric & gyneacology=pakar sakit puan...

ya ampunnn..