Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Laugh & Grim

see, even with the traumatising experiences, we managed to laugh our gut out every night. who wouldnt ? when on the very first day, we mistaken an Indian doctor with another. we talked to him for about 5 odd minutes, being oblivious to his puzzled face...only to realised after that, we've been asking the wrong doctor. OMG, i swearr they looked alike!! *hide my face* silly!
next incident was on the same day, i think. i agreed to accompany my fren to buy dinner for her and 2 other girls. alah, yang mcm dataran full of food stalls tuh. we were both unfamiliar with the place as it was our first time. so there, 3 polysterene packs we brought back. i left her to dig in her dinner when she went


*ape pulak budak nih. kalut semacam*

then she showed me

first pack, nothing.

second pack, written 'special 4 u'

third pack, a name and a phone number.

*rolling on the floor laughing*
OMG, these ppl couldnt be anymore rempit ke eh??? nasib baik aku tak beli pape, kalu tak mesti was-was nak makan..kan dah kurang satu pelanggan, tobat aku tak pergi dah kedai tuh.
this is even funnier. we were following ward round when suddenly the whole cubicle bergema dgn lagu2 melayu gersang . tak cukup dengan tuh, terdengar suara sumbang ikut nyanyi sama from the room opposite to it.pantri rupanya. ya rabbbii, boleh pulak bukak karaoke kat ward nih..kitrg dah siggung siku each other,
'oiii, ingat nih jamb*n rumah korang ke..??'

aku rasalah kan, kalu pakcik2 dalam ward tuh sihat walafiat, mesti habis mamat2 tuh kena belasah sebab buat pencemaran bunyi. sabar jelahh!
he's our supervisor, the moment we were introduced to him, i went 'eh, macam muka M daud k1lau?' hihihih. so, it's true of what i've heard..he did have a lot of unnecessary gestures, often involving touch.. regardless of gender. even worse, he did talked double-meaningly and gave out dirty 18sx jokes *blank face*. quiet petrified, if u ask me. regardless, we had 3 solid teaching full of tips and ilmu. in the middle of the drill, he was trying to illustrate how food and background can expose to certain disease and he went

him: so, what does javanese like to eat?
my fren: tempe??

*i almost hv muscle cramp sebab tahan gelak...of course, he's looking for some other thing..not that popular answer*
remember my first name? i've been using it as my nickname for my formal-hospital-life-with-the-locals back in melb cos it's so easy to pronounce. little did i remember if i continue to use it in malaysia, it welcomes great trouble for me. but i did, forgetfully. the name's controversial, so does the doctor's name mentioned above. apparently, i share first name with the so-called malaysia's top singer and he share the top singer's husband's name. lengkap dengan datuk. so u can imagine how disastrous it was when he talked to a patient in clinic

'haah..nama saya mmg datuk (alphabet), tapi bukan yang tuh. mana (my first name) saya? takde eh'

*i quickly pulled the coat to cover my tag and put up a i-dont-know-face. while my 2 fren, pusing belakang gelak siap tepuk2 dinding..kurang asam gila!!*

thank god, he's not so good with faces..otherwise i would've jump off the corridor?
'ketepi ketepi gergasi sudah kembali...'

heheh, there's this lady doctor who really makes our life left-right-front-back. dah tak larat nak kena langgar, pastu ditarik ke belakang, ditolak ke tepi....masalahnye dia sorang saje buat mcm tuh, pastu pulak tak nampak sgt fungsi dia ber-lipas kudung ke sana sini...aduiii, penat tengok.

sorang lagi doktor, lagi kelakar. terlampau arrogant sampaikan make fool of himself. ape punya kisah laa nih deyyy!
ini tak kelakar tapi takut. nak beli tiket balik kl this weekend, tertinjau2 la cari kaunter. ingatkan nak tolong bila dia approach and bawak ke satu kaunter, sekali dpt harga yg asik berubah2 ikut tarikhla, musim cuti laaa....dah pening

me: eh, boleh berubah2 ek harga?
him: kamu jangan nak bahasakan saya tukar2 harga!.. ini kerja saya..(pokpek pokpek)!!

maaaakkkkk, samseng tiket bas!! nasib baik berjaya larikan diri guna taktikk nak bincang dgn kawan dan menyelinap keluar slps beli tiket kat kaunter lain. dibuatnye kena tahan dgn dia, nauzubillah...

seee, i am still a silly girl who forget her age ;) dont u think?

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