Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Let's play the game

RULES: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

Reasons: i want to prove that i'm not weird. yelah, apart from being tagged thrice!;p

1. makan- i save the best for the last. dari kecil lagi dah mcm tuh. lets say dlm byk2 lauk ada yg fave, mesti simpan utk makan last. sape yg tak tahu, mesti ingat tak suka pastu ambil from pinggan;( tapi kalau kakak adik, semua dah faham. unless kerang, itu silalah ambil semua. bau pun dah nak m*ntah & severe headache.

2. tido- i am not gifted with the ability to sleep after subuh. even if i managed, it'll be disturbing headache after i wake up for the whole day. nope, not even when i'm tired or over the weekend. i would toss and turn for more than an hour but to no avail. thats why kalu sleep over, akan terkebil-kebil kat katil bila org lain tido balik. but my bedtime is as early as baby's. and i need to cover my face to sleep.

3. takut-uhh, my reflex would be to cover both ears with hand and half-close my eyes. regardless, takut manusia takut serangga takut anjing takut benda takut hantu. semua pun buat macam tuh. contoh dulu2 would be masa kena kejar anjing kat park or masuk ghost house. horror tak horror, there's this time masuk ghost house kat penang fest. instead of this hantu buatan tuh keluar from the box and takutkan ktrg, i covered my ears and scream my lungs out ordering him to get back into the box. i'm sure he had ringing in the ears after that ;D

4. cerita seram-oohhhh, i soo love cerita hantu. ask my friends, i would always go 'eh, jom tengok' 'eh, jom beli cd cerita hantu nih'. but they'll smirk at me cos they know, i only watch 10% of the movie and dont even understand the story. remember, i fully cover my face half-close my eyes when i'm scared? that's whyy!!!! but again, whenever i saw the next horror/scary movie, i would 'eh, jom tengok!'

5. duduk- bersila on the chair. anywhere, restaurant, study table, cinema, car. i know, it's so tak perempuan melayu terakhir(heh, like i care!). if u see me bersila while eating, that means the food's good; while watching movie, that means the movie's entertaining; while studying, that means i'm learning; at the co-pilot seat, that means i'm comfortable with the drive.

6.minum- i dont drink while and after eating. that why if u go out eating with me and i order 'air suam', its not i'm jaga badan stingy-cheapskate, but i know i cant finish my drink. i just have the drink in case tercekik (betullll, takut jugak tiba2 tersedak takde air nak minum,heheh..) i would drink an hour or later after that, which usually i forgets. tuh sebab selalu headache, kurang air.

told ya, i'm not weird.phhhhfftt!!

p/s wireless no more after this. just assume i'm buried under the modules and long list of things-to-look-up-tonight or joyfully enjoying the condominium FOC..hailllll to my university! ohh, just call me if u need me;)

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