Friday, July 18, 2008


Last night i dreamt of Redb0x, so i texted miss F. hehehe, let's just hope it's a plan for the last week of this month...

Reality checked; i'm just another readily available bus stop that can be visited at one's own convenient. i feel so low and mad at myself, i made up my mind. i'm not coping up with the other flamboyant bus stops' and i dont like to be treated like one. it's confusing.

My fellow friends, i'm having VIVA assessment next week upon finishing medical rotation. please pray that i'll do well for this so that i could proceed to another rotation....aminnn

I'm grateful that wherever i go, i've been blessed with a bunch of great truest friends to rely on. from SSPians to Bantingites to Monash clan and now, HKB...there're these people who will laugh with me, thought of me and creates wonderful journey despites major obstacles along the way. Alhamdulillah..

Ahaa, i'm planning to buy a few good books to feed my mind. Any suggestion, friends?

I received endless wedding invitation from my thoughtful frens. i'm dying to attend all of them but time and distance doesnt permit =( whenever i looked at the pics of small reunion of my frens during the celebration, my heart sank. i would love to be in the crowd. sad=(

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