*Have You Ever Felt this Way? ..*
...you don't know whats wrong with u? Most of the time you are doing just fine, but out of blue moon u felt like a complete loser. Trivial things hit you very well and you end up pissing off yourself. Tried to hid the solemncy wearing a mask and faking-grin, somehow it wears off. Constant reminder of self-worthiness is critically in demand and seeking Allah's blessing is the only comforting thought.
...you tried to be nice to all ppl around you but the 'bitter' part often shows here and there. Guilty feeling is mounting yet the devil's urge is irresistible. You often trapped between always-do-good-to-other-people and your own self-ish! The only-but-impossible way is shutting yourself in a tiny cubicle out in a deserted island, or is 'quiet' mode applicable here??
..you are trying to be grateful for everything you owns, but deep inside you wish for more..n more. You know that its always the best for you granted by Allah, somehow you aren't satisfied enough (pathetic!). there are things that you wish has had happen to you tho you also doubt the consequences of it. Things that are beyond your control and helplessly feeling sorry for yourself.
..you finds the right words to say for someone else's problem without realising that you are stuck with the same problem. Manage to think wise and act coherently for others but not for the sake of urself. Acknowledge that grumpiness is the least enjoyed blog to read and tried to superficially glow some happiness...
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