Saturday, June 05, 2004


heh, seems like i'v lost the touch...procrastinating my bloggy for a long time...couldnt get myself to pour in all my brainy-contents ..sometimes i just wish to shut everything away and be a nice-lil-zombie...:p

another reason fo not updating:i've put myself on trial for the 'internet treshold in the room".
em>objectives: reducing the guilty level for wasting my time in front of the monitor
method: avoiding my hand from switching on the computer till i'm almost done with my books, ar at least after 930pm. now only the cd player comes in handy:p
results: so far so good..yeay!opss, alhamdulillahh, at least i'm no longer feeling sorry putting the books in front of me but fixing my eyes on the internet
recommendation: heh, should i include '24-7 internet weekend spree' for the rewards:p

..arituh aku pegi meeting international advisory committee as a student rep for the faculty..well, its my 1st meeting and nothing much is expected from me to i just sit there for 2 hours, trying to comprehend the discussion as much as possible, listening to the pakcik-makcik-akak ..heheh, x tipu, depa sume tuh dah pangkat mak ayah n sorang jeh kot yg leh panggil akak!!heheheh...wargghhhh, rupenye2 malaysian scholars nih mmg dikasi duit yg ciput, even budak2 bostwana pun dpt double drpd ktrg..hadusss, patutla tali utk ikat perut aku makin memendek:p lastly aku dimintak utk ask around psl MBBS international students buat another year of biochem research...gulp, 6 years in melbourne???hehehe...tetiba aku rasa best gak tp aku x rasa aku akan apply, sure akan ade 'panggilan family;:p

..arituh pegi IMSA dinner kat city..lebanese food, tp xdela sedap sgt pun...dahla ktrg nih sampe lambat sib baik x termiss any of the courses...ala, suasana mcm pegi mkn ramai2 kat restaurant, nothing formal:p

..arituh aku pegi bday party anak k nani...huahuahuahu, gile lama n byk aku mkn..from 2pm till 8 pm..berkg kat situ ngan dak2 yg lain...ade laksa,kek batik,bubur n puddings..haduss, naik pening pala aku dok makan sume2 bday kek la of course: sambil2 tuh menadah air lir(sbb xde kitab:) from 2 org married akak psl..shhhhhh!!!! well, they are trying to let us see the real things about marriage n stuffs..alamak, kenapa byk yg x besh dr yg besh nih???heheh. highlight: kenapa zaman nih still ade org yg suke men'underestimate'kan org lain,n x penah slame nih aku di'direct-laser'kan psl girls negeri aku..HELLOOOO!! ko ingat ko dah ade bf ko leh kerek ngan aku haa??? sesedap rasa jeh nak buat general statement...podahh!!

..arituh ktrg pegi mkn kat moza sbb nak celebrate bday yang(eh2, nih mmg nama ic dia lah:p)...hehhe, sib baik sekangkang kera jeh jarak dia... sib baikla aku pesan roti nan jeh sbb tgk sape2 yg order nasi briyani tuh mmg terbeliak2 mata nak abiskan...dekat sedozen tupperware pakcik tuh kena supply utk ditapau..kekkek.peace korang!!

..arituh pegi tgk med 'talent time' utk raise fund for the starlight foundation...kat monash secondary college..thumbs up kat sume2 yg perform...well, im so impressed by most of them coz...gile sedap suara (yelah, banding ngan suara aku:p) n they are very talented in music...selingan lawaks pun best dgn dov imitated sorang lecture, nitesh rapping about our PCL etc....yg paling aku x tahan nak gelak..ade sorang indian nih miming gune lagu tamil kot...sebijik cam dlm cite2 industan..heheh, siap tersilap nyanyi part heroin, hadussss!! mmg sib baik xde botol jeh kat sbelah aku.:p ..pastu ade lagu aladdin' a whole new world', prasanna jadik 'aboo'(betul ke eja?) beruk tukang tolak 'magic carpet', mmg ade unsur animal cruelty aaa:p heh, teringat jeh zaman skola dulu..mcm2 talent time kite mase tuh aku just jadik pak pacak jeh...till zaman kolej baru aku brani menonjolkan bakat aku..hahhahahah, semek yg sewel!??

..arituh aku kena pegi headquaters melbourne citymission kat city sbb nak round up ktrg punye community partnership prog aka CPP...grr, sempat sesat dulu kat fitzroy coz rupe2nye ade 2 nicholson st..another one kat footscray..haduss!! well, lucky jugak sbb miis all those boring part..sampai2 jeh dah nak abis tapi yg sedihnye, lunch x bleh nak mkn sbb....ngak halal..duhh!! sib baik sandwishes jeh kalu pizza ke hape, mmg aku tekad nak wat 'helikopter' aa kat situ:p

okeh...done with the good-ies..

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