Tuesday, November 29, 2005

not another drama queen episode...

you are right. i was the one who gave up on things without knowing ur reasons. and may i add that i was the one who created arguments and made big fuss over stuff. so its actually me who is troublesome, never knows how to appreciate things and ignorant over other ppl's concerns and probs. i've been selfish all this while and i'm so ashamed of myself.never would i know that being straightforward can actually mislead because wrongly used words and end up accusing u harshly. put the blame on me coz i make u feel not good enough for a frenship.wish i could say more than sorry..

if u are to hate me for this, i understand.i failed to be a good fren.before i stop, there are things i'd like to thank u; for being there to cheer me up whenever i'm feeling down, for putting up with my temperamental attitude and never complain and for trying to do good to me. life would never be the same then...


Dr. Aneesa said...

sometimes i wish i could be there for u..heh.whatever the drama.

Anonymous said...

yes, 've always wish for u to be here with me...for any reason it is...