Wednesday, June 21, 2006

So i quote...

a few years from now....

niesa: :cry: arnee would say...sedih!!!what ske really meant: terharu...(isk)
yatt: of course...who wouldnt?? everytime aku teringat our time kat med 3 and block F, either tersengih or tergelak sorang2...the BEST 2 years of frenship..sayang korang!
hani: wehehe...yup niesa, i missed the good old time in med 3!!
niesa: peah..always the drama queen(flashbacks of all ur exagerated emotions follwed by hysterical laughs..*wink* id say yatt n hani will agreee)

Reading those, slowly I smiled, grinned and as recollections of events occupied my tired mind.. I laughed terguling-guling. Yes, my dearest buddies.. they never fail to amuse me. I've said before, it's magical that 2-years seemed a lifetime. It's like I've known you guys and have you guys by my side since day 1.

And it's as exciting to imagine.. in a few years from now.. things will gradually change, but hopefully the bond remains as beautiful, insya Allah.

Maybe several years ahead,
- I might be listening to any of you guys complaining about the lack of sleep coz ur newborn just wouldn't stop crying for the rest of the night
- I might bump into any of you guys in the supermarket.. either running after a cheeky little toddler or a trolley loaded with food, enough to feed the whole jungle
- I might read the inspirational story of a DR who saved lives of those less fortunate in the middle of nowhere, or a DR who won Nobel Prize for a new discovery in the field of Medicine

Which one it may be, I will always be the same Peah who would smile proudly at every forward steps my friends make.

And also, I will be the "cool Aunty Peah" who'll shower your children with fashionable dresses and dungarees, who'll babysit anytime and who'll team up with your children against you. Hehehe.

If, and insyaAllah, I have one (or 4) of my own, I have favours to ask from korg. Hahaha
- Son : Free arts session once a week
- Niesa : KO kene babysit when Aku and Yatt ade trips to spa/facial treatment or horse-riding ( Yatt, aku assume ko akan ikut aku. Niesa, I pick you sbb tak sure ko nak ikut tak. If ko interested, then Hani Syahida.. ko jage our kids!)
<<<<yes yes aku sokongg..of course aku akan ikut ko cik peah..let Niesa and Hani to o-sommm between them for the babysit..
- Arnee (if die read this): Your place would be the ideal sleep-over site sbb if ever things get out of hands, your high-pitched voice should be sufficient to make them go to sleep at once)
- Budak2 kecik Leicester: I welcome any form of clothing from Gap, Next, Laura Ashley.. ( tak yah byk2.. sorg kasi 3-4 okay la)Thanking you in advance!

P/s: Please make dua for me.. my exam's on Thursday and I'm hoping to do well this time... ok, sudah merase cuak.. back to studying!

niesa said...
hahahhahhahah*tergolek2 gelak*
...ade tinggal aku sambil korang kene gi pampered!!!! (whats that about??)ikut la weh, suh arnee jela jage weh, hani...hmmmm(pk2..musykil)

gdluck exam k

it does seem a lifetime away, but it is very much cherished.the tough times, the sad taught us to survive the hardships we go through now.

peah! ko igt tak ko actually TERGOLEK jatuh after a 1st Aid course by the seniors-AND ko taknak bangun???(tergolek2) <<

keep blogging guys.its a special-rare bond accross the continents.
thank god 4 technology.

Tue Jun 20, 03:46:31 AM

Marfu'ah said...
Thanks for the wishes. Keep up with the prayers.. I need them badly. Tsk tsk tsk

Kalau nak kasi kiki lala ke, kiko ke, rocky one ke.. ok je. To compensate, one top from Zara/Jane Norman/Oasis for the mum would be acceptable. LOL


Hoi habis rahsia abadi aku.. kureng nyeee.. Tp aku dah seriously tergolek2 sambil jatuh kerusi.

In case you've forgotten, the rationale behind aku TANAK bangun.. gile ke ape? The whole bunch of guys tgh lalu. BY pretending to faint, nampak la cam emergency rather than being clumsy.

But yeah, it's wonderful to think of you guys and smile there and then.

P/s : yatt, ingat tak time ko terbongkang dlm surau and buff decided to have a peek? Hahahahahahahahaha
<<<<<haaaaa gelak gelakkk!! nak tahu, after chat dgn ko pasal kisah nih aku takleh tido tau tak..sbb aku tersengih and tergelak sorang2.. urghh, aku nak saman buff!

Tue Jun 20, 08:24:11 AM

niesa said...
igt tak ko tersekat kan bola basketball kt basketball ring?tersekat ok? tak masuk hoop pon.tesekat antare hoop n tiang. talk about lousy shooting. sheesh..
<<<aku ingatt yang nihhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! peahhh oh peahh..masa tuh aku dah terduduk kat atas court sbb dah gelak byk sgt..well, i had my share on the candid too..berlari kejar bola, tak sedar dah terbang terpijak bola...aduiii!!

Tue Jun 20, 02:50:11 PM

ohh dear, i'm sure other ppl will think that we are non-sense...i mean what's with this obsessive effort to cut and paste from her's when i can easily write about something else?

hah!! because they matters to me so much so that i'll keep on appreciating them again and again. They are no longer friends but SISTERS to me..


Anonymous said...

gosh..i misss u guys soooo much!!!!

Anonymous said...

same here.....

can't wait to get together again!!