Monday, May 28, 2007

Hey, I still care about you..

glad to have me back??

hah, perasannyeee=p

so, the messages
haniizhar: eyyy makcik, i've been meaning to ask u about ur whole elective experience in HUSM, esp the second part of it. asik tak sempat je kan?(yeahh, padahal we've been wonderfully communicating thru this space, hardly exhange greetings in YM,hehe) so yeah, buzz me and would like to catch up on things..maybe...maybe i'll drop the hillarious story with one the patient in JB..this one, i'm sure u'll hit get headache for laughing too beats the video-clip story i tell u.

graduating bloggers: 5 years flew in no time and GOD knows how we managed to keep close and try our best to be there to each other ( or at least u've been there for me). i am definitely joyous and celebrative with ur great achievement, but deep inside i am sad and anxious. time is almost over. who knows what's life gonna be once u start wearing the title and to think that there'll be less and less writings for me to update/laugh about u, also possibly less comments and thoughts from u in here to keep me standing heart aches a bit. but well, i think we did a good job here, for this kinda frenship is rare.

arnee: okay, akan aku ingat pesan kau so that aku tak tgk cerita hantu melayu itu. ape ko ckp " jangan sekali2 tergerak hati.."? hoh, hati aku tak bergerak langsung tau sbb aku tahu, aku takkan berani keluar awal pagi or balik bila hari dah gelap kalu aku tgk cerita itu...tapikan tapikann...alaaaa, teringinn la jugak nak join org lain tengok..nak join je tp taknak tgk, cemana?

vascular team: i enjoyed my time with u guys. thanks. send my regards to the old man in bed 7, who loves to look out for my smile during ward round even in his groginess. tell him, dont miss me or my smile..whichever;) also to the theatre nurse, say thanks for being so fond of me. i love it.

mr anaesthetist: you are soooo DASHINGLY HANDSOME, my frens would go pengsan if they meet u. but its not that that secure the soft spot but ur initiative to befriend me, recognise and gesture me whenever we bump into each other in the corridor, entertaining my questions and help me to understand, looking out for me and smile mischiveously in the middle of chaotic surgery as if we share some funny secrets; the soft nudge on my last day in OT? aaawww, i'm flattered. hiks.i know the next time we see each other again, u will thumb's up to me. i will definitely smile back.u have the decency and warmth i am comfortable with. and hey, there's this miss anaesthetist i know would suit u best. she's very pretty u know. u'll make the best couple in the hosp, i'm sure. opss, that wedding band of yours..

bantingites: nuna showed me this funny vidoe clips of some production by misters' of Galway. ok, the moment i watched it i hillariously reminded of our acting era. that was something, kan? so see them in action just bring back the old memories..of what's college life was all about. not so much of study to be fond of, but what we found in be on the stage again?? let me think twice. hah.

mr resident: sorry, i didnt mean to laugh at ur age graft and effort to make me understand that there's more to life than my study or future job and that i need to think of my personal issue as well. i knew u meant well, in fact i realised the importance of personal future but.... if only i could tell u the real reason behind my change of mind, the fact that i'm not sure something could happen more than once..thats all. u sounded and looked very sincere and concern, i'm moved. i'll be fine whichever way i end up being, i can assure u. i'm assuring myself at the same time. lucky you for marrying ur childhood flame sweetheart during your med-years though. i find it pretty sweet;)

farina: i have mixed feelings about ur situation. i'm smiling but at the same time i have concerns. but u always know i prioritise ur happiness, kan? so yeah, you go and seize the moments cos u will never know how long it will last..u have my back.

syu: no meaning to rub salt to the wound but whenever i thought about plans/places to do/go when liyana's visiting, my mind thought of u. glad i had the chance with u last year so keep on reminiscing that, will u?

as for myself, i'm no longer Miss Chop-chop. Will be known as Miss Germy for the next 6 weeks. now, need to get back to my hand-washing routine. ohh yeah, the gown and gloves and mask whatsnot.heh.


Anonymous said...

org kata setiap apa yg terjadi ada hikmahnya. no wonder the ticket price went up (for the "super saver" period). no wonder aku tadek that extra cash to buy the tickets. rupanya i've been assigned to a project that only scheduled to be done by 2nd week of august (probably it will drag to 3rd week or later). never mind. i've had my share of fun over there , cuma kecewa tidak meluncur salji di mt buller. will return back there soon but no longer as a tourist but as a student. hoyeah !!

Hani Izhar said...

waaaaa I AM AT THE TOP OF THE MESSAGE LIST!!! Rasa macam celebrity gamaknye...eheheh (to self : mengucap hani...jangan jobo..)

yeah, we have some catching up to do girl!! Bukan aku xnak tegur kat YM..I'm usually online in name only. Duk kat computer pun sekejap2 jek.

neways, we'll have a proper talk one of the weekends when u're not too busy..i'll call u kay? (hahah kalau nak tau citer from u mesti dengar sendiri to get maximum effect ;)). I'll try to catch u online sometime.

and how come i haven't come across ANY good-looking doctor during my years in med school?? Have they all migrated to Australia?? No fair!!! (Haii..kalau ada...I'd make sure I'm the best medical student the handsome doctor has ever seen! such luck...*sigh*..)

And yes, it's great to have you back! *hugs* Other people haven't been blogging as much, you are my only hope!

Anonymous said...

syu: so, yeah...things always happened for a reason...its the matter of when u notice it..woahh, u must really love this place to return back..eheh..

hani: now my turn to WAAAAA panjangnya komen..more like updates in itself...great to read;)

alrite, will be looking forward to the call..chat2 nih tak puaslah kan..effect lawak kureng sket..
as for the gorgeous doc' really should be here to enjoy it..gerenti feast for the eyes punyelah..maybe it's the crook's trait in oz ppl(kan sini asalnya convicted place) that makes them sayang tak mandi pagi, itu yg aku tak berkenan sepenuh hati tuh..

oh oh, have u watched pirates?? that mr bloom...*dreamy eyes*

just realised i'm always kerang busuk whenever baca ur comment..hahaha

Hani Izhar said...

heheh yatt bila aku baca msg ko aku pun mcm kerang jugak...tapi versi wangi la, ko yang busuk punye wakakakak

i think i should seriously consider going to australia to check the doctors out. I'd go to one of them and say (in a sexy voice, of course) : "Doctor, do you want to feel my pulse?"

Wah wah wah, makin gatal aku nampaknyer..(heheh well as long as I don't actually DO it, I guess it's okay *grins*)

Yeah, I watched pirates! It's a shame that Norrington died..hehe nasib baik ko xyah berebut Orlando (hahah!) dengan aku. I LOVE the music..been listening to the songs all the time

looking forward to our chat!

Anonymous said...


kurang hasseemmmmmm ko hani..sempat nak kenakan aku:p

nasib baik ada doktor2 yg kacak lagi comel untuk sejukkan hati nih (pleaseeeee, do get jealous!!)

*evil grin*