Friday, May 11, 2007

Not yet..almost, maybe

This is what happen after 4 weeks of 730-530 in the unit (minus an afternoon i let myself off everyweek)

-strangely remember the name & bed of patients by heart. also their faces, likely their problem too.

-get this special feeling whenever called by name honey or darling or sweetie or love. warmth...

-almost tempted to just find a place in the hospital and sleep after the long day, the thought of walking back to the bus stop and then home tires me already.

-ache-y thighs and legs from the brisk walk every morning and evening, for the sake of not missing the bus. pedestrian is a hard job.

-to be remembered by the theatre's nurse, whom i only introduced myself once.

-realised the big difference it made to have a totally-the-opposite-from-the-previous resident.gggrruuaayyytt!!

-to my shame, the fellow never failed to greet me everyday or every surgery. which it should be the other way round.

-i dont have anyone to feed, so my last nasi was 3 days ago...thank GOD there's halal nasi campur on campus, otherwise it would've been 5 days record. oh yes, i wasnt feeling well so forced myself to stop and buy a pack.

-9pm came down to 830pm. what i enjoy more is to wake up few times, say 12am, 3 am or 445am and could still go back to sleep till it strike 5am. heavenn..

-the easiest way to avoid guilt for not studying at night is Grey's. kehkehkehkeh...


Dr. Aneesa said...

bes nye kasih syg kau dpt.
jgn harap camtu kt ucd.
ape aku blaja pon aku tatau

Anonymous said...

erm, aku takut...nti dah takde kasih sayang nih, aku 'hilang' lagi..ada 2 minggu je lagi utk nikmati kasih sayang nih...lepas nih taktau nasib macam mana pulak..

hidup, kan?