Sunday, May 06, 2007

I am RICH..

with sisterhood...of the many.

she, of whom i wrote to with hands busy weeping off the tears only to feel comfort after clicking 'send' button. even time doesnt allow any reply sometimes, i've found my warmest hugs.

she, of the many finally found her love and got hitched. I felt overwhelmed with joy on her BIG days, both solemnisation and reception as beautiful as she was. whatever i pray for my blood-bonded sister, i pray for the same to her in her new life; cos only GOD knows how much she's done to make me of who i am now. she, of the many who stay with me while others come and go.

she, of the many who have totally diff outlook about life than me and never failed to return my msg attending to my low time. something not everyone could commit to, i must say.

TLC that goes beyond ocean and time differences. that allow me to cry hard in front of the monitor while talking to them..and pain is halved.

to hear or read their worries about exams pumped my adrenaline and put me in anxiety state. i could only wish to be before them to help with revision and changed from '..I' to '...we' in my prayers.

to know their victories and success, it feels like all the qualification and joy's are mine.

to realise creatures with XY chromosome have been a total B**T**D to them, i swear i wanna kick dick hard slap and punch hard.

to realise that i could be just another long-lost-junior-only-to-be-found-virtually, but honoured as the one and only reader of thought. priceless.

non-existent absence. they live around me. we grow up together.

with that, i'm officially announcing myself as the candidate for the 19 grumpy old woman with a driver-cum-gardener-cum-entertainer plan. guilty as charged.


f a r i n a said...

that driver cum gardener cum guard cum entertainer is a mat salleh currently working in bank negara as a manager.
dunno if we can afford him??

he's nice tho', yatt...seriously. Ehem. :-D

tapi tapi yatt, kalo dok serumah dgn aku, sabar eh. I'm messy!!!

Anonymous said...

EHEM, i dont mind forking out money for a nice guy to be our drive/gardener/guard/entertainer..we'll enjoy the view together-gether..

eh, sounds like bimbo la pulak.hahahaha

alah, ko messy aku emosyy...sesuai la tuhhh!!