Monday, December 12, 2005


Never ever leave me alone at home...look what happen today when nobody's home by 9am and its raining outside...
12 pm

1.Bfast-done(not yet? ur kidding,hehehe)
2.Shower- errr aaaa hehehe (told ya:p)
3.Houhehold duties- half (quarter to be more accurate) way
6.Cooking- erkk

and i'm feeling very sleepy after finishing my daily doses of nasi kerabu...

so mum, pls dont complain if u see me in my pyjama at this hour and the house isnt the way it is suppose to be cos i cant funtion alone..told u before rite? =D

i'm off to the living room to watch some tv (read:doze off) while waiting for others to come home...

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