about meeting any of my girl frens, i laughed a lot..i mean you are not suppose to start giggling before anything, rite? be it on the phone or while hang out together, i can laugh till my head ache later..
yesss, i did meet up with hani b*suk (or is it k*pam, aku dah confuse which one is which:p)..called me up when i no longer think she would...i mean she only had 2 weeks to spend in msia rite?.. answered the phone..this and that..then
'yatt, apsal suara ko mcm pempuan?"
*~^$# (huarghhhhhhhh, aku tak paham!)
my explanation: i didnt recognise the number so i was only trying to be polite..ggrrrrrr, next time i'll make sure i sound like a king kong or gorilla then lets see what ppl say,hahahahhah..
waited for her in kinokun!ya.. was about to replied to her sms and put the book back when
ok, she's here..hugged her there and then..spent next 3 hours laughing, gossiping and laughing..couldnt imagine if there were others of the crony to join us there...sure kena halau dgn pak guard..huhuhu..nway it was so nice to meet her again, great company and we sure shared lotsa past and future stories....ngehngehngeh!!
ala yatt.bile aku nk gossip ngan ko nih.i kno2, my fault.nnt aku bli calling kad.
hehe, aku tunggu ;)
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