Tuesday, December 26, 2006

' I hope the counting will stop soon'

That's so sweet of you, my friend.

well, not to say i'm used to it but i have learnt to live with it. even if not in i-know-the-blessing-in-disguise way, i am managing and i am ok with how i'm doing.

i never ask for this. N-E-V-E-R. GOD knows how much i did to make it not happen. sometimes i wonder, is this some kind of karma or punishment from up above? cos i always talked big about how it is possible and how much i hate ppl with that trait. SUCKS.

i faced it the hard way. the way some ppl said i shouldnt. nevermind the harsh truth, at least i know now what's meant-to-say and what's sweet-talk for future references...

to be continued.

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