Friday, December 29, 2006

While i still wanna write

1. i could never forget syu's antique at wedding fara, whereby she called my name and then buat aksi kuak lentang kecil-kecilan(i mean, dia kuak tgn dia sket2 jeh bukan yg full-on mcm org tgh betul2 berenang). depan2 meja beradap tuh jugak dia beraksi, eheh;) tahuuu, dia tak sabar nak bermandian di sungai bergembira bersama-sama.

wahai dugong sekalian, bukan tak jadi tp agak kesuntukan masa. i'd say december wasnt the best time cos most of us(not me;p) are tied up with works. mid jan, i'll be starting my rotation in HUSM already and will only be going to KL for wedding over the weekend. I'm thinking of organising it while i'm in JB kot, senang nak turun KL banyak kali. itu pun, aduhai kena bargain time with my beloved brother n sis-in-law. almaklumla, dapat yg caring-lagi-protective-pastu-suka-nak-adik-dia-spend-time-together. ini pun reputation dah corot sbb last time punye performance, eheh. tp jgn risau, insya Allah ada rezki kita ber-dugong yeh??

2.I dont seem to put on weight in msia, despite the amount of food i ate and how undisciplined i am. A space for an inch or two around the waistline when i put on my baju kurung last night and a size-smaller pants i bought the other day. i ate bigger portion and took up late dinner, if that's what u wanna ask next.

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