i called my mum everyday. or every other day. 5 mins of her voice sufficed me. sometimes, i didnt have anything to story her, but i would still call.
i talked to my girlfriends over the net. absence makes our heart grows fonder. i guess, thats why Allah send me down here, away from the rest so that i will appreciate them more. L sent me a meaningful the butterfly & the flower. P replied my mail her wisdom. F humoured and amused me with her twist of life. they are amongst all. but what i actually enjoy most is their ability to step back and give me objective explanation. it helped a lot.
i made myself available for get-togethers. last weekend, we had girls' nite out for T & D's belated birthday. not the fancy restaurant that matters, but the good jolly laugh
i enjoyed my group study. it put me at ease at least, to know that i am sharing the burden of revision and whatsnot with the 3 others. we discussed, we explained and we laughed in between.
i pray so that Allah grants me the best of things. HE who understands me the most.
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