Monday, October 18, 2004


...student case presentation this morning..TOUGH but i'm so glad that its finally over ...we presented about type 1 diabetes..well, actually we planned to do it like a news presentation but called it off due to some reason (erk, lazy!lazy!) hehe, we just wanna be nice not to confuse everyone with the jargon and stuff :p had to answer a couple of substantial questions from the audience and facilitate the group discussion...warghh, the tutor was pretty critical i reckon... didnt give us much time to answer or at least to think of the answer *shrug* ...anyhow, it went pretty smooth and i just feel so relieved now that i can proceed with my lagging revision,huhuhu!!, someone declared himself/herself to be mainly muslim but also belive in jewish religion, right under my nose (pls all meddies, no wild guess is needed here!)..and later mentioned that she/he wanted to go to 1srael to practise medicine..just because of his/her obsession towards that country..we were in the middle of the discussion when he brought that up and i couldnt remember how we actually landed to that issues.. self-confession: i was stunned and pissed off but dare not to question/confront...well, i wish i have the gut *sigh* they were also making jokes about terrosist thingy but it didnt really offend me much, not as much as the 'declaration'...

...chilling weather..its harder to cope than the fasting :p hehe, its really an effort not to snuggle in my bed early in the morning after sahur (subuh :4am), but i wouldnt feel comfortable to sleep with a filled stomach either ..somehow the weather also made me think twice for any advanced limb movements (brisk walk!) *syhh!*

...alrite, received a parcel full of my fav food :=D thanks ma! adik used to say that she wanted to study abroad because then she'll get the attention from the family,hahahha..that kid!

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