Saturday, February 25, 2006

One fine saturday...

Eyes wide open around 6. *haiiihh, rugi bangun awal weekend nih* but in a way, its good cos that means extra few hours to spend during the wake. quickly resumed on Narut0 to catch up with Z and later when everyone's out of bed, decided to watched L0ng Kh0ng, siamese horror movie. yes, we did watched horror movie during daytime, for an obvious reason;)). honestly i dont think its worth watching and poor teleng, had to watch it on my behalf..hehehe

next was Fearless. as usual, i fell asleep in the middle of the movie and woke up few mins later. bad habit bad habit=p then went upstairs and flung myself on the bed. speed read Watermelon and catched up with the mates in the house.

"when happiness makes a guest appearances in one's life, its important to make the most of it. It may not stay around for long and when it has gone wouldnt it be terrible to think that all the time one could have been happy was wasted worrying about when that happiness would be taken away" -Watermelon-

around 5pm, got ready for women making waves at aquatic centre in the city. one of the things that i 1st learned in Melb and the only exercise i have for this week. hmm, it might be self-diagnosed but i think i had mild exercise-induced asthma, non stop cough & gasped for breath after finishing one of the laps,heheheh. nevertheless, came out of the pool feeling good and fresh.

just finished my dinner. Ya Allah pedasnye sambal tuh...

p/s: dah jumpa passport,yeayy!! kat mane? er, mesti kena gelak punye nih..jumpe....jumpe..kat...lipatan shopping plastic beg kat bawah meja..hehehehe..tak terfikir langsung nak cari kat situ..fuhh, lepas satu lagi kerisauan..

p/s: Happy birthday to my dearest frens, Hani & Niesa..miss u two damn loadss!!looked at ur dress-to-kill-pics and i simply longed to be part of the celebration. nasi kerabu beb!

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